Tag Archive | Tethered BDSM

You’ve Gotta Get Up And Try…

(Featuring designs by Poptart, SLX, TRUTH Hair, and many more…)
(Take note, this is what I’m doing when I should be furnishing my house… you’ll see my lack of work in other pictures…)
Quick!  No one in the dance world has made an ass of themselves in the last 24 hours.  Let’s make another fashion post and keep the momentum going!
No, but for serious.  This is ideally what I’d like to do.  Post daily.  Normally at night before I go to bed, because that’s when I seem to find enough down time to do something like this, uninterrupted.  But because I’m too tired at this point to do any heavy research, so I tend to add the SLURLs for the stores in the morning.  Then again, I could be like most bloggers and make you find it yourself, from the credits… haha.  But I try to be a bit nicer than most.
Speaking of other bloggers, the syndication process has been interesting.
(Please note my house in the background… and please also note that there is no furniture in it… I think I put the thing up, like, a week ago…)
In my quest to become a syndicated blogger and be taken seriously, I find my journey starting out slowly, but not altogether unsuccessful.  So far, I’ve found myself syndicated on 3 feeds, which, from what I hear is pretty good.  While I’ve been searching the various feeds, though, I’ve found a very diverse opinion of what is considered “the best” or “high quality”.
All of these feeds claim that they only post “high quality” blogs, and that the bloggers that contribute to them are “only the best”, however the types of bloggers and the types of posts that I see very GREATLY.  This is not a bad thing, as I appreciate, and even practice, various styles of writing and blogging myself… but it feels like, once more, there’s no set standard, so some people are left off of some feeds simply because they don’t conform to someone else’s idea of “the best”.
One example I can think of off the top of my head is a feed that I believe I was drawn to on three separate occasions.  (Yeah, my memory sucks and I couldn’t remember that I’d already ruled it out.)  This feed claims that it will only public ‘high quality’ blogs, which it defines as quality clothing, edited photos, and “tight posts” which is basically just the photos and the credits, with very little wording in between.
That’s all find and dandy… and it’s great for people who come to these blogs just to see pretty pictures of outfits they can spend their lindens to recreate, rather than expressing their own UNIQUE sense of style… but for those of us who are writers, it kinda sucks.
I find it amusing as well, because the definition of what a blog is, according to Dictionary.Com, is:

a Web site containing the writer’s or group of writers’ own experiences, observations, opinions, etc., and often having images and links to other Web sites.

See, from the dictionary definition of blogging, you seem to get the idea that there should be writing involved, yes?  And that the inner-writer in all of us would be embraced, rather than discouraged, right?  There is a time and a place for ‘photo-only’ blogs… but I would call that more of a photo album than a blog.

At the same time, do I believe that EVERY post should be a novel?  Oh hell to the no.  I think we’d all get bored reading it, let alone those of us who write it.  We’d eventually run out of ideas.  There are only so many things to talk about… even with the stupidity of the people around us to rant about occasionally.

 (Before anyone asks, no, I’m not British. My partner is… and I figured he’d appreciate this sweater when He logs in while I’m sleeping.  Haha!)
So at this point, I guess I should just chalk it up to another mini moral crisis in my life inspired by the fashion world in SL… but it’s starting to irk me that it occurs so often.  In a virtual world that people come to for their own reasons, and they expect people to not only accept them for how they choose to represent themselves… but they also expect everyone to accept their reasons for being here, their personal limitations, what they want to get out of being here, and they expect everyone to condone their actions and words in the name of individuality and freedom of speech… you’d think in a virtual world like this, that there would be LESS judgment than in the real world.
But shockingly enough, I’m beginning to find that there’s more.
And the biggest issue that I have with this is that it’s not just judgment.  It’s people walking around beating their chests like Tarzan (or I guess Xena the Warrior Princess may be an appropriate female reference) and being ‘loud and proud’ about their choices in SL, their reasons for being here, etc… everything that I mentioned before.  They boast and brag and expect everyone to be ok with them because they are who they are… and they get pissed if anyone dares judge them.  But THEN, they turn around and harshly judge the people they share this medium with.  I’m even guilty of it myself.  But the difference here is that I see that I’ve done it, and I watch other people do it and it BOTHERS me.  There are plenty of people walking around SL (or driving their pixels around SL, as the case may be) who are being completely two-faced in regards to being open and accepting.
So once again, I’m forced to choose… do I try and “tighten” up my posts to appeal to more fashion feeds that don’t want as much text… even though true blogging is about WRITING?  Or do I flip them the bird, continue to write what I see fit, and post the pictures in between, making an altogether cohesive blend of fashion and my own thoughts, in my own little corner of cyber space?
I’ll bet from the length of this post, you can tell which on I chose.  🙂
(Yes, that is an anchor in my house… and no, I didn’t put it there in an effort to put SOME kind of furniture or decor in there… it actually came with the house… I’m hopeless.)
*~* You’ve Gotta Get Up And Try *~*
(You know the deal.  I’ll post SLURLs tomorrow.  Love you all.)

A Walk In The Park…

(Featuring designs by OrsiniRed, Luck Inc., Magika, and many others.  OrsiniRed Dress is special for Fashion For Life, 2013.)
As I looked for a place to take pictures of this outfit (admittedly, I’d been looking around for appropriate places for the better part of 3 days), I ended up in this little park.  I pretty much told myself that I would find a good place to take pictures here, regardless, as I was sick of looking.  First, I found this awesome looking statue (featured above) and around it, almost with the statue at the head, were these little mushroom seats with all different kinds of sits in them.  The pose I captured is actually an animation that plays when you sit on the mushroom I’m on.  I’ll definitely have to go back and let you all know who made this awesome little seat set.
But anyway… I continued walking and decided that a bench was as good a place as any to take a few more photos, though I realized while editing these photos that I look pretty pathetic having a conversation with myself.  Haha!  Note to self: drag people along for next blog.
(Talk to myself much?)
(I look so sad!)
The bench was pretty awesome, and the tree behind it was probably one of the most frustrating and amazing things that I’ve photographed in awhile, so it made the post-process portion of this blog pretty fun.  Of course, just when I thought I was done taking photos, I found the water.  And because I am forever mentally five years old, what did I do?  I ran right into the water for a photo, clothing and all!
(Cheeky little thing, aren’t I?  Though ironically enough, I look cold, and I can hear my mother’s voice in the background screaming, “Get out of the damned water!”)
*~* A Walk In The Park… *~*
Shape: My Personal Shape
Skin: Petal[Dark] Pout – Brat 1: Curio
Eyes: JABU Eyes Light Blue: -DAMNED-
Hair: Clumsy (Color HUD 02): Magika  *~*mesh*~*
Makeup: KMTD Lipstick 11 + EyesMakeup: -DAMNED-
Dress: Mersh Dress Neon Flower Blue FFL: OrsiniRed *~*mesh*~* (Fashion For Life)
Jeans: Tyra Lowrise Jeans Starlet Wash Dark Blue: Luck Inc.
Shoes: Chloe Sandals Shiny B&W (in white): Gaeline Creations  *~*mesh*~*
Feet: Flat Bare Feet: Gaeline Creations  *~*mesh*~*
Nails: #PS004 Stardust Platinum: Candy Nail
Bracelet: medaille bracelet (silver): Gabriel
Nose Piercing: Nose Diamond: envi
Ring: Legends Family Name Women’s Wedding Ring: JCNY
Collar: My Heart Is Caged – Eternity – Vintage Silver: [Tethered] BDSM
Remember: You’re a Goddess!
~ Tivi ~

Confession #2: My Biggest Fear Is Being Made A Fool Of

Confession #2: My Biggest Fear Is Being Made A Fool Of

Hethwen Resident, the organizer for Metaverse Pageantry, sent out a notecard the other night that I’m still not all the way through yet.  This notecard was put together by Dea Mills back in 2009, but her words are no less relevant today.  When I say I’m still not all the way through yet, it’s not that it’s insanely long… but I have to stop every time I start crying.  She says so many beautiful and relevant things.

One thing she says in her Three Observations about SL is that in Second Life, all you TRULY have, at the end of the day, is a cartoon and your reputation.  She’s right, you know.  You might say, “But but but I have my friendships too!”  When you boil it down, your friendships both have to do with and contribute to your reputation.  People who think you’re a bitch aren’t going to want to befriend you… whereas people who think you’re awesome very well may be falling all over themselves and can’t hit the “Add Friend” button fast enough.  As far as your friends influencing your reputation… how do you think people are going to look at you if you’re friends with a known copybotter.  How would you all view me if I was uber super best friends with Ramonzita???  See what I mean?

I knowing that my cartoon and my reputation are the two things that I have in this pixel world of real people… it’s important to be careful with both of them.  And while there are close-minded, or thick-headed, or downright ignorant people who can look at qualities like fierceness, bluntness, genuine honesty no matter the situation, and outspokenness and label me a bitch… for the most part, whether you see it or not, I am VERY careful with my reputation here.  I am very selective of the projects I get involved in, even if I’m involved in a lot, because all it takes is for that project to tank, or for it to be corrupt, and suddenly I become “that girl” who was heavily involved in it when its corruption was found out.  I’m actually in a bit of a moral crisis over a new opportunity that has come my way recently because of this very reason.  On one hand, there is an opportunity to salvage a project that has allowed itself to succumb to much corruption… but on the other hand, if changes cannot be made, then I am seen as CONTRIBUTING to and SUPPORTING that corruption.

I have a very big fear of being made a fool of… in anything.

I get very protective and guarded in situations where there is not a clear plan of how something is going to be accomplished… without a plan, there is a high probability for failure.  And while failure in and of itself is perfectly normal and ok, and I’ve failed a lot… to fail in the IMPORTANT things simply due to lack of planning and organization that should have and could have been done beforehand… that is humiliating… and so it’s almost like an Obsessive Compulsive behavior.  When I first find out about something, I do my damnedest to start making a plan for it as soon as I can.  This gives me time to resort to Plan B, Plan C…. Plan Z… I have time to fail in my own plans without failing in front of god and everybody.  *Chuckles*

And I think that’s why this pageant being my first scares me so much… and why I’m so vehemently trying to plan everything in advance… in regards to finding sponsors, finding poses, figuring out what might be a good walk pattern, as they aren’t being defined for us.  To plan it now, to start planning it so soon, I have plenty of time to fail and find what works for me.

But I always have the thought in the back of my mind of, “What if?”  What if Plan Z doesn’t work… what if I run out of time and still haven’t found a workable solution.  What if I end up humiliating myself?

I honestly don’t think I could handle it.

Until Next Time, Pageant Followers,
Tivi Darkfold (Tiviyah Resident)
Miss Metaverse – Greece 2013

Countdown to Pageant: 20 days